SPA New Mexico
State Psychologist Association
The Professional Association for
New Mexico's Prescribing Psychologists
Membership Application for new members
Are you a licensed prescribing/ medical psychologist in NM or a student in one of many great psychopharmacology programs across the country who plans on practicing or becoming licensed in beautiful New Mexico, please apply to become a member of State Psychologist Association for $200.00 a year. We offer advanced CEU's live for a very limited cost, access to a private Google group that provides support, information, employment & practicum opportunities, informal consultations plus advocacy for our profession. Sorry, but we are limited to licensed psychologist prescribers or students.
Please update or include your mailing address, phone number, email address, NM/other state clinical psychology license number, plus prescriber license number, practicum site or program you are attending in the message section. Also include your practice site and hours you work in the State of NM prescribing, if applicable.
We have the right to reject any application and return your fee if you do not meet our criteria. After you submit your information click on the Subscribe button to begin your yearly membership. You may pay by Debit or Credit card if you are not a Paypal Member. Send checks to:
1635 S. Don Roser Drive
Las Cruces, NM 88011
If you have a questions please email: